Dowsing is energy: Energy comes from the subconscious. A calm mind, loving heart, and use of a simple tool gives us access to a wealth of information that we might not necessarily have known through stillness we can access information for:
- Optimal health
- Locate objects
- Find water
- Clear negative energies
- Relax muscles
- Basically, access a higher body of knowledge
Types of divination are used to find: sources of water, buried metals, gravesites, gemstones, oil other objects without use of scientific Instruments.
Also referred to as Divining, Doodle bugging, water witching, and a pseudoscience.
Dowsing is an ancient art, 8,000 year old. Dowsing has been used to find water to know where to dig wells, and minerals. They used to use a hazel stick in medieval times. Currently, people use copper dowsing rods.
Physicians in France openly use pendulums as ONE tool for diagnosis
How does dowsing work?
Using a pendulum is an easy way to tap into your subconscious, your higher self, your spirit guides, and the higher mind/all that is through using a bobbing instrument like a pendulum. You don’t have to be psychic or a medium to use a pendulum.
It is thought that the dowsing instruments are affected by human nervous system – Magnetic interaction between the dowser and the instrument. Involuntary subtle movement of the muscles (not triggered by conscious thought) affect the pendulum. (However, if you really, really want one answer, you will influence the pendulum answer.)
Other things that can influence a pendulum are Earth energies, negative energies from electronic equipment, mischievous spirits, etc. It is important that you anchor your pendulum area in a tube of white light.
Dowsing is discerning, finding, removing and changing energetic patterns. You may experience excitement and tear simultaneously.
Purchase/make a pendulum
Anything that swings freely will work fine. Use your pendulum with care .
Especially important when you first get a pendulum, carry it with you at all times, so it connects with you. It is called programing, the pendulum gets in tune with your energy/vibes, so it is consistently working for you. That is how you can verify that it is working for you.
Ask “Is this pendulum in harmony with me?”. Ask “Does this Pendulum need clearing”, ask for clearing if necessary, then ask if it is in harmony again.
Remember to protect your pendulum, keep it in a small bag to prevent it from picking up negative energies.
Starting to Dowse
Feet flat on the floor, sitting up straight, arms uncrossed, ensures proper flow of energy through your body. It doesn’t matter which hand you use. Hold forearm parallel to the ground. Dangle the pendulum 4-5” from your hand. Suspend disbelief and thought. Relax.
It is critical that you clear your thoughts and quiet your mind. Be open to any responses. If you really want one answer, and are not open, you will unintentionally influence the pendulums responses.
Close your eyes and say a short prayer/ask for a blessing, entering a higher state of consciousness. Always ask for God’s white light of protection/bless the energy field before dowsing, express gratitude, and close (Amen, or So be it). Breathe and relax, letting go of control issues, and quiet the mind.
Show me ‘yes’ (thank you)
Show me ‘no’ (thank you)
Show me ‘I don’t know’ or ‘maybe’ (thank you)
Show me ‘It is not in my highest good to know the answer’ (thank you)
If it does not move, stare @ it and imagine it swinging. Patience, it may take a long time to respond. You can also train the pendulum.
The stronger the answer, the stronger the swing.
It is helpful to say “clear” out loud or in your mind between questions.
Then ask before every session ‘May I dowse?” – your frame of mind, too much breeze, energy of space, many things can influence dowsing. If the answer is no, you can ask if later in the day would be best.
Clear negative energy from pendulum – spin your pendulum and ask – “show me yes after all negative energy is removed from my pendulum”
Practice/Testing Questions:
- Am I male/Female?Single/Married/Divorced?
- Is my name xyz? I work at xyz?
- Age, # children, # brothers/sisters etc.
- I live at …address? I went to school HERE?
- I go to xyz church/synagogue/? I volunteer at xyz?
The secret is asking the right questions.
- Can use pendulum for finding lost items. Be careful how you ask the question.
- Verify intent of business contact – Integrity? Keeps promises? Ask about motives?
- Test food, beverage, cleansing items, vitamin supplements
- “is this food / water good for me?”
- “Should I purchase this item”?
- “can I enhance the food and make it good for me?”
- If yes, then “please raise the energies and enhance the food to make it good for me”. Spin pendulum and when it is done, it will say ‘yes’
- “Do my crystals/stones need cleansing?”
- If yes, then “please cleanse my crystals/stones of any negative
energies”. Spin pendulum and when it is done, it will say
- Help in decision making –
- Is this (situation) in my highest good?
- Of these two choices, is ‘x’ better for me?
- Is this the best route for me to drive this morning?
- Shall I call a repair man?
- Is this sale worth attending?
- Which store has the best price?
- Learning about yourself
- Am I afraid to reveal my innermost feelings?
- Am I a good person/Happy?
- Am I tolerant/easygoing?
- Am I enthusiastic/optimistic/pessimistic?
- Am I loved
- Am I positive/confident/successful?
- Do I deserve Success?
- Am I friendly? Unfriendly?
- Am I a spiritual person.
- I enjoy good health. Should I exercise more?
- Am I living my purpose/following my heart’s desire?
- Good things come to me without effort?
- Am I holding tension in my body?(You can also visualize a purple
candle burning there – flames burn up negative energy)
- Dream Recall – ask questions about purpose/message
- Talk to deceased – ask if they are present, if so, ask questions
- Chakra/Aura Balancing
- Check each chakra – in balance? If not, fill glass of water, put left
fingers in – ask to remove negative energies from chakra and
put into water. Wash hands after, check chakra again. Repeat
for all chakras as needed.
- Cleanse aura? How big is my aura? 1’, 2’, 3’ etc.
- Strengthen aura (deep breathing, fresh air, sunshine, laughter,
exercise, massage)
- Verify medication effectiveness – Do I need xyz? Will xyz be helpful for
me? Do I need less of xyz?( Of course, check with your doctor first
before changing dosages.)
- Energy Management– Test for and remove negative energies
- ‘are there any resistances present in xyz (or container xyz is in)”… if “Yes’ then say “please uninstall
any patterns of resistance.”. Spin pendulum and when it goes to ‘Yes’, it is done. Then ask first question again.
- “Is xyz/container completely clean so I can imprint positive energies on?”
- You can install anything in food/beverage. You can pick what to infuse like ‘Good emotions’, ‘joy’, or let your higher self pick what you need. (you can make a squirt bottle of ‘Joy’ or ‘Abundance’ and
- You can infuse anything with positive energies – necklace, stone,
clothing, business card, water, anything.
- A) You can then strengthen the positive energy, asking the
pendulum to do so.
- You can transfer properties/nutrients from one food to another, and
then raise the nutrients in the transferred item.
- You can lock energy patterns into water or wearable item ‘Can I lock
these energy patterns into place?’
if Yes ‘ Please place energies necessary to lock positive energies in xyz into place’ (spin pendulum,
will say yes when done).
- Pencil – hand cramps when using, can infuse pencil with anti cramping properties.
- Dowse business cards to give the feeling you want people to have about your business.
- Check to see if ‘any negative energies in my business cards?’, if yes, ask ‘can I remove them?’, if yes,
ask ‘please remove them’. ‘are there any other negative energies that would prevent me from
installing properties on my card?”
- Install ‘genuine goodness’, ‘happiness’, etc. on the cards (spin pendulum, goes yes when done) or ask guides to ‘infuse with the energies that would benefit my business growth and profit, go into the cards.’
iii. ‘are there other energies to be infused in the cards?’
- Detox your house – Dowse each cleaner – can we remove toxic properties of household cleaners? – if yes – ask to remove.
- Healing self & others – find, uninstall, strengthen, visualize health.
- ‘Do I have a tight neck?’ ‘Can you remove these patterns?’ Automatically goes into an uninstall (spins until done) (can tell it to continue working even though you stop the rod/pendulum)
- Strengthen/rebuild ‘Are there energies that can be placed upon an area to rebuild or help? , ‘Please place these energies there now’
- What if I don’t know? Give it a name…..
- Check home/office/building – “Are there negative energies here?”, “is this place haunted? “
- Self sabatoge –
- Is negativity holding me back (work, social life, family?)
- Am I ready to release? –
- NO “I forgive myself for everything” repeat until pendulum gives “yes”
- YES “Few deep breathes, holding before exhale…. State“I now release all my negativity, I no longer need it, I am letting it go, NOW’ repeat until it feels like it released – check with pendulum
- “I don’t know” response… If your guides don’t know an answer, you can ask them to go and find out the answer, as all is known somewhere. There is a place where all things are known, so that answer is
- You can energize your higher self from your subconscious. However, you must clear your subconscious first.
- 5 cards, pick one as your lucky card, mix them up, ask pendulum is this is my luck card over each one.
- Partner – think of happy/sad scene. Ask pendulum if it is a happy thought?
- If you ask the pendulum almost everything, you give away your power and free will.
- Don’t change your life based on the answers from the pendulum.
- Don’t dowse for others without their permission
- Don’t ask questions about gambling, negative purposes, frivolous questions.
- Only you should use your pendulum.
- ALWAYS verify your answers – ask another question/the reverse.
- Don’t ask the same question in the same session!
Dowsing makes you more sensitive, intuitive, more connected with your low self (subconscious) and high self (superconscious), more aware in every area of your life. It is a gift given to us to access a higher body of knowledge.